Stupid stuff I do to amuse myself

No. 1 Rewrite lyrics to Kraftwerk songs:

What was:
"Wir fahr’n fahr’n fahr’n auf der Autobahn"
"John, John, John’s on the Autobahn! /
John, John, John’s on the Autobahn!"
No. 2 Let people see me staring into space and then, all of a sudden-like, bursting into laughter, like I was an Indian and a pillow away from being committed. Why? Because I’m singing “John, John, John’s on the Autobahn” silently to myself, of course!

No. 3 Number three? There IS no number three: “John, John, John’s on the Autobahn” is literally HOURS of entertainment. The only way it could be made any better is if I were actually on the Autobahn, driving, and singing, “John, John, John’s on the Autobahn!”

I probably wouldn't even stop for gas. I'd just let the tank run dry. And then, when the tow truck comes to tow me away, I can sit behind the wheel and sing:

"John, John, John's off the Autobahn!
John, John, John's off the Autobahn!"

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