What is the Pastafarianism or religion of the Flying Spaghetti Monster?

In the year 2005, an American physicist named Bobby Henderson wrote a letter to the Kansas State Board of Education requesting that schools teach the precepts of pastafarism or religion of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, which advocates that the world was created by a kind of giant ball of spaghetti with meatballs.

It was not a practical joke, but a very original way to protest the Council's decision to allow the teaching of intelligent design in Kansas schools. And, although in the USA you can not teach religion in public schools, in many states this theory is taught, which is nothing more than a covert form of creationism that denies the theory of evolution and defends that the world was designed by an intelligent being superior to us.

In his famous letter, the founder of pastafarism wondered why, just as there is time in the classroom to talk about intelligent design, there was not a space dedicated to the Flying Spaghetti Monster (MEV), a superior entity that created the world about 5,000 years ago in a state of intoxication. The MEV also introduced some modifications in his work to make it appear that the world is much older than it really is and put the faith of his followers to the test. "Our Noodle Maker then put fossils, hidden under the surface of the earth, knowing that they would be found later and that this would seem to show that these creatures existed for quite some time. The bones of dinosaurs, for example, were located so well and in such numbers that it is widely believed that dinosaurs walked on the earth millions of years ago, "explains the web of pastafaris in Spain.

Another argument of pastafarismo refers to the relationship between pirates and global warming. Henderson included a messy chart in his chart that showed a perfect correlation between the increase in temperatures and the decline in the number of pirates in the world. It was another ironic criticism of those who argue that the number of natural catastrophes has increased as society has become more secular and religious values ​​have been lost. The issue of pirates has become another pillar of the pastafari world, for them it would be divine beings, and on September 19 International Day of Speaking as Pirates was proclaimed.

This original critique of the expansionism of creationism in American schools became very popular, and people from all over the world declared themselves to be devoted devotees of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Pastafarismo has its own gospels, a symbol of the cross with a fork to eat spaghetti and even their own prayers, which always end with the word "Ramen" (a Japanese noodle soup).

Another symbol that identifies the devotees of the Flying Spaghetti Monster is to take a pasta strainer to the head. In some countries, such as Australia, it has been possible for the pastafaris to appear with this unique outfit in the driving license photograph. Again, it is not a trivial matter, because the pastafaris argue that it is an option as valid as the veil of Muslim women or the habit of Catholic nuns.

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